Who, What, Why
Who We Are
Freeman Land Group was started after receiving letters to buy land we owned. We believed we were better suited to buy the land, so that’s what we set out to do.
A former ball player and wife team who have loved getting to expose our young kids to the outdoors and invest in the upstate.
What We Do
Our Mission
To buy land, use it for good, and do it the right way.
Our Service
We want to buy land in a way that is beneficial for everyone. People wanted to buy our land, but not in a way that made us feel good. We can offer a simple process that’s rooted in reliability and open communication. A process that protects you every step of the way.
Why We Do It
To invest in the upstate by acquiring land that we can use, improve, and teach our kids about hard work and other values in the process.
“I believe fundamental honesty is the keystone of business.”
— Harvey S. Firestone